wait. for the audition. wait. for a resolution. wait. to be noticed. wait. for the right role. wait. to be chosen. wait. for the call. wait. to create.
stop waiting • start creating
learn to create • create to learn
In Write Club, we'll identify, write, perform, coach, and refine the characters on the projects you should be be working on.
This method of learning is one of the most relevant and practical for a both beginning and working actors. You'll take total ownership of where you fit and why. You'll also develop a deep understanding of the big picture of the purpose of any character, and how to think like a show creator
it's more achievable than you think

Check out what OG Write Clubber Makayla McIntosh created.
Ready for The Good Doctor? Yup.
you are not alone
Blank pages can be intimidating. You can do it.
Outside of class, You can get help with this in a weekly members meeting, on the Write Club Group on the JBA Website, or on the dedicated Write Club channel in the JBA discord. There is a positive, supportive community here. Everyone is inspiring everyone else along the way.
SO MANY ACTORS have proclaimed that watching someone else go for it has inpsired them to do the same. Good stuff is happening.
Exclusive Access to
JBA CLUB Members Level 2 or 3 only
unlimited audit for all JBA CLUB Members (Levels 1-3)
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